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pointing to intersections of rules, infrastructure,
and global affairs




This author

The author of this website is an independent scholar. She has been conducting research on the intersection of international law, energy, economic governance, and geopolitics for more than two decades. 

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On this point

Large infrastructure projects that involve actors from different countries and/or connect countries influence international affairs. The management and operation of the infrastructures requires regulatory frameworks. The point is that rules, infrastructure, and international developments interact with each other and shape new realities.



This site

The main purpose of this site is to create space for originality and creativity – both in writing and illustrating. Therefore, it uses a minimalist frame that helps present the author’s texts and illustrations without technical distractions.

The post section contains three forms of texts, i.e. original posts about one topic,  reviews of recent books, and retro reviews of books older than five years. Original posts are short articles and concern topics that are relevant to the author’s research. The illustrations are watercolours that the author draws and digitalises for the purpose of this website.

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 author and illustrator

Susann Handke

For more than two decades, I’ve been interested in the interaction between large infrastructure projects that link economies. These infrastructures create socio-technological realities; and their utilitisation requires regulatory frameworks on which all stakeholders agree. I’m particularly concerned with the functioning of such governance structures in the field of energy.

Through my studies and research I’ve acquired a profound knowledge of EU governance, geopolitics,  especially developments related to China and Russia, and environmental debates. My research focuses on energy affairs.





Original articles primarily discuss governance aspects of infrastructure and energy geopolitics. To trace the impact of environmental debates in theses contexts, some articles focus on the political ecology of resources as well as marine and maritime issues. Finally, where helpful, trends in global affairs and the evolution of EU governance – and in particular the role of Germany – are highlighted. The articles seek to emphasise that institutions play a vital role in shaping interactions in the international political economy. They contextualise the energy transition, including  infrastructure investments and industrial policy measures. 

Book reviews cover this broad spectrum of topics; and retro reviews explore books that were published at least five years earlier, focusing on their relevance to today’s debates. Illustrations are means to engage with physical aspects of energy, environmental, and infrastructure affairs.


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