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article #2

A COMPLEX GLOBAL ENERGY LANDSCAPE, CHINA’S ROLE, AND THE EU ENERGY TRANSITION​     As the world’s second-largest economy, China plays an important role in global energy affairs: Its economic trajectory profoundly affects fuel markets,… Read More »article #2

book review #1

STEFFEM MAU, UNGLEICH VEREINT: WARUM DER OSTEN ANDERS BLEIBT [UNEQUALLY UNITED: WHY THE EAST WILL REMAIN DIFFERENT], 2024.       Droves of joyful people overran the Berlin Wall in November 1989, ending the physical… Read More »book review #1

article #1

EU ENERGY GOVERNANCE AS RISK GOVERNANCE: ADDRESSING GERMANY’S ILLUSIONS       The European Union established the Energy Union in 2015 to integrate energy and climate policies. Considering the bloc’s current geoeconomic situation as well… Read More »article #1